Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities are updated weekly on both the school Facebook page and Class DOJO. Look for upcoming volunteer opportunities in the Barger Bulletin sent home the beginning of each month in student Tuesday folders.


All volunteers must sign in at the office before volunteering. The RAPTOR computer system in the front office only records your presence in the building for the day; it does NOT record your volunteer time at school. 

To receive credit for volunteering, each volunteer must fill out a white "Record of Magnet School Parent Service Hours" slip. Volunteers retain the yellow carbon copy for their records and turn the white top copy into the Parent Volunteer Coordinator's office.

If Mrs. Knox is out of the building, volunteer slips may be turned into the front office to Mrs. Smartt, the school secretary, or Mrs. Rivers, the school attendance clerk. 

Check our school newsletter and your child's Tuesday folder for monthly opportunities. Facebook and DOJO are updated weekly with current volunteer opportunities.

Donations may equal up to 1/3 of your total volunteer hours. Items purchased must include the receipt when turned in to receive credit; one hour of volunteer service is given for every $10 spent.

Every Wednesday we have a Hump Day Cart for teachers. Homemade items are welcome! One hour is given for every dozen cupcakes, one hour is given for every two dozen cookies, and two hours are given for every cake. Healthy items such as fruit, granola bars, cereal bars, etc are also GREATLY appreciated! 

Feel free to check with your child's teacher for specific requests. Items we always need include:
1. Hand sanitizer and bleach wipes
2. Bottled water
3. Facial tissue
4. Dry erase markers 
5. Construction paper
To contact the Parent Volunteer Coordinator

To reach by email -  [email protected] 

To reach by phone - (423) 493-0348 extension 30605

The Parent Workroom is located on 2nd grade hall across from the library. 

Volunteers must be over the age of 18 to volunteer. 

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